Gita Gateway Music Publishing

We collect the royalties you didn’t know existed so you won’t be missing out.

Claim what you’re owed.

Start earning publishing royalties now.


Earn more from your music.

Register unlimited music worldwide

We’ll register your music for publishing royalties across the globe, while you keep full ownership and copyright.

Fair and direct payments

We collect publishing royalties for you to keep all. You won’t find a better deal anywhere else in the industry.

New royalties & sync opportunities

Unlock new royalties & exposure worldwide. Earn royalties every time you perform live or your music is heard, and pitch your tracks for TV & film placements.

You could be earning extra revenue whenever your music is performed live or broadcast in any kind of media. You can even claim additional publishing royalties every time your music is streamed on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube.


How it works.


Sign up & register your music

When you sign up for GGW Publishing, we’ll register all your music with collection points around the world, maximizing your potential income.


Claim your missing royalties

Once you’re registered, we’ll get to work uncovering and claiming all of the publishing royalties you’re due.


We pitch your music for TV, film & more

Our sync licensing team has experiences pitching music like yours for media placements worldwide.


You get paid

You’ll start receiving the money you deserve directly to your Ditto Music account, keeping all your royalty payments in one place.

EXTRA royalties you’ll receive when you join.

Gita Gateway Music Publishing include:


Mechanical Streaming royalties whenever your music is streamed.


Mechanical download royalties whenever your music is downloaded.


YouTube royalties when your music is used anywhere on the platform.


Performance royalties from live shows, radio, TV, streaming services & more.

Sync Royalties

Sync royalties whenever your music is used in media.

And much more

Publishing royalties from hundreds of sources across the globe.

We’ll track down all of the publishing royalties

you’re owed worldwide.

No complicated forms. No boring legal stuff. Just more money in your pocket.

Start earning publishing royalties now

About Us

Distribute your songs globally with us!

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Phone : 09894114092

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